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Academic Advising

Advising Process

The academic advising relationship is most successful when students play an active role in partnership with their advisor. Advisors can help students clarify the curriculum, understand the value and relevance of their education, and assist in the career development process. In addition to advising, students are encouraged to take full advantage of the wide variety of programming and services available to them both within the department and across campus.

How to Contact an Advisor

If you have been admitted into your designated major, you will be advised by University College Academic Advisement until you have completed the following hours depending on your major:

  • Political Science Majors - 24 credit hours: Once you have surpassed 24 hours, Brittney Vietti will become your advisor.
  • Legal Studies Majors - 24 credit hours: Once you have surpassed 24 hours, you will be advised by Prof. Jason Cieslik.

How to Make an Advising Appointment

  • During the school year:

    Political Science Majors - Advising appointments are available by appointment during the school year. You can schedule your appointment with Brittney Vietti. Prospective students may email the advisor or call the department at (309) 438-8638.

    Legal Studies Majors - Advising appointments are available by appointment during the school year. You can schedule your appointment with Prof. Jason Cieslik at Prospective students should email Prof. Cieslik with any questions regarding the Legal Studies Major or Minor.

  • Drop Ins

    Brittney Vietti offers drop-in times from 9:00-10:00am every Friday. This time is not meant for long term planning, but rather 5-minute questions you may have. If you want to complete long-term planning or discuss something at length, please plan to schedule an appointment with Brittney Vietti.

  • In the summer:

    Political Science Majors - All requests for advising need to be made by emailing

    Legal Studies Majors - All requests for advising need to be made by emailing

Advisor/Advisee Expectations

Academic advisors will:

  • Assist students with developing and clarifying their educational goals
  • Assist students with developing their educational plan, including a plan of study to support their interests as well as their post-graduate goals.
  • Provide accurate information regarding policies, procedures, resources, and programs.
  • Assist students with understanding their "progress toward degree."
  • Make referrals to other campus or community offices when appropriate and needed.

Students will:

  • Meet with their academic advisor when they are admitted to the program and on a regular basis during their college career. Students are expected to meet with their advisor at least once per semester, preferably prior to registration.
  • Continually review and monitor their "progress toward degree" summary.
  • Actively seek advisement and assistance when experiencing academic or personal difficulty.
  • Maintain their own personal academic records, including maintaining a familiarity with the catalog under which they were admitted, transcripts, advisement records, degree audits, evaluation of transfer credits (if applicable), etc.

Though advisors are here to assist and provide guidance, please understand that students are ultimately responsible for knowing about and fulfilling all University, College of Arts and Sciences, major and other curricular requirements. If at any time students are confused or do not understand, it is their responsibility to seek assistance.