Dr. Ali Riaz
Distinguished Professor
Politics and Government

SCH Schroeder Hall 405
Office Hours
Tuesdays 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. & by appointment
Office Phone
- About
- Education
- Awards & Honors
- Research
Current Courses
151Introduction to International Relations
Teaching Interests & Areas
South Asian Politics, Comparative Politics
Research Interests & Areas
Political Islam, South Asian Politics, Bangladeshi Politics, Democratization, Violent Extremism
Ph D Political Science
University of Hawaii
Honolulu, Hawaii
MA Political Science
University of Hawaii
Honolulu, Hawaii
MA Communication
University of Hawaii
Honolulu, Hawaii
MA Mass Communication and Journalism
University of Dhaka
Dhaka, Bangladesh
BA Mass Communication and Journalism
University of Dhaka
Dhaka, Bangladesh
Impact Award
Illinois State University
Excellence in Teaching Award
Pi Aigma Alpha, Illinois State University
Research Enhancement Award
Illinois State University
Outstanding College Researcher Award
CAS, Illinois State University
Dean's Award for Outstanding Scholarship
College of Arts and Sciences, Illinois State University
Special Recognition for Services
Claflin University, South Carolina
Werner Levi Award
Department of Political Science, University of Hawaii
East West Center Honor Award
University of Hawaii
Who's Who International Student Certificate of Merit
Book, Authored
Riaz, A., & Rana, M. How Autocrats Rise: Sequences of Democratic Backsliding. Palgrave Macmillan (2024)
Riaz, A. Pathways of Autocratization: The Tumultuous Journey of Bangladeshi Politics. Routledge (2024)
Riaz, A. Itihasher Dolachol (Oscilation of History, in Bengali). Batighar (2023)
Riaz, A. Trials and Tribulations: Politics, Economy and Foreign Affairs of Bangladesh. Prothoma (2023)
Riaz, A. Lekhoker Dai (Responsibilities of a writer, in Bengali) (লেখকের দায়). Batighar (2022): 144.
Book, Chapter
Riaz, A. Bangladesh. Neil DeVotta (EDs), Introduction to South Asian Politics (2nd edition). Routledge (2024)
Riaz, A. Construction and Reconstruction of Identity of the Bangladeshi Diaspora. Sreeradaha Datta (EDs), Bangladesh on a New Journey: Moving beyond the Regional Identity. Bloomsbury (2024)
Riaz, A. Islamist politics in Bangladesh: The nature, scope and the pathway. Rounaq Jahan and Rehman Sobhan (EDs), ”. Fifty Years of Bangladesh: Economy, Politics, Society and Culture. Routledge (2024)
Riaz, A. Constitutionalism Interrupted or Constitutionalism Absent? The Divergence of Constitution and Politics in Bangladesh. Ridwanul Hoque, Rokeya Chowdhury (EDs), A History of the Constitution of Bangladesh: The Founding, Development, and Way Ahead. Routledge (2023)
Riaz, A., & Rana, M. Democracy Deficit in D-8. Ahmed Masood Khalid, James Ferguson and M Niaz Asadullah (EDs), Economic Integration and Global Governance in Emerging Muslim Economies. World Scientific (2023)
Book, Edited
Riaz, A. Lunthito Vobisyot (The Pulndered Future, in Bengali). Prothoma (2023)
Riaz, A. Religion and Politics in South Asia, 2nd edition. Routledge (2021)
Riaz, A., Nasreen, Z., & Zaman, F. Political Violence in South Asia. Routledge (2018)
Riaz, A. Routledge Handbook of Contemporary Bangladesh. Routledge (2016)
Riaz, A. Political Islam and Governance in Bangladesh. Ali Riaz and C. Christine Fair (EDs). Routledge (2011)
Journal Article
Riaz, A. Religion as a tool for authoritarian legitimation: The case of Bangladesh. World Affairs 187.2 (2024)
Riaz, A., & Rana, M. Democratic Erosion in Comparative Contexts: Evidence from Egypt, Indonesia, Iran and Pakistan. Habib Zafarullah (EDs). Journal of Governance, Security and Development 3.1 (2022): 1-23.
Riaz, A., & Rana, M. Securitization of the Rohingya Refugees in Bangladesh. Journal of Asian and African Studies (JAAS) (2022)
Riaz, A., & Parvez, S. Anatomy of a Rigged Election in a Hybrid Regime: The Lessons from Bangladesh. Democratization 28.4 (2021): 810-820.
Riaz, A. Terrorism, Counter Terrorism and Models of Counter Terrorism: An Overview. Counter Terrorism Journal 1.1 (2021): 39-60.
Magazine/Trade Publication
Riaz, A. Bangladesh Carnage: The Facts that Belie the Government Narrative. The Diplomat (2024)
Riaz, A. India-Bangladesh Relationship Under Modi 3.0 Won’t Change, But …’. The Diplomat (2024)
Riaz, A. Is the Judiciary Being Weaponized in Bangladesh?. The Diplomat (2024)
Riaz, A. Should Bangladesh Recalibrate Its Myanmar Policy, Especially Toward the Arakan Army?. The Diplomat (2024)
Riaz, A. The Remarkable Downfall of Bangladesh’s Iron Lady. Foreign Affairs (2024)
Newspaper, Article
Riaz, A. Bertelsmann Transformation Index 2024: Another indictment of Bangladesh’s state of governance. The Daily Star (2024)
Riaz, A. Lessons from four elections: More challenges to democracy ahead. The Daily Star (2024)
Riaz, A. The Great Game will continue. The Daily Star (2024)
Riaz, A. The rise of personalistic autocracy: What should we do?. The Daily Star (2024)
Riaz, A. What comes after January 7?. The Daily Star (2024)
Working Paper
Riaz, A. Global Jihad, Sectarianism and The Madrassahs in Pakistan. Institute of Defense and Strategic Studies, Nanyang Technological University (2005)
Culture wars beyond borders. Bay of Bengal Conversation 2023: The Rising Tide. Centre for Governanace Studies. (2023)
Freedom of Expression in Bangladesh. Freedom of Expression in Bangladesh. Right to Freedom (R2F). (2023)
How Does a Country Autocratize: Exploration of the Case of Bangladesh. V-Dem Seminar Series. Varieties of Democracy Institute, University of Gothenberg. (2023)
The Dragon's Domain: BRI After a decade. Bay of Bengal Conversation 2023: The Rising Tide. Centre for Governanace Studies. (2023)
The Return of Populaist Politics in Bangladesh. International Studies Association (ISA) Convention. International Studies Association. (2023)
The World We Live In: Democracy Retreats, Authoritarianism Surges. Mornings with Professors. Academy of Seniors, Illinois State University. (2023)
Understanding Hurt Sentiment. Hurt Sentiment Book Launch. Woordrow Wilson Center. (2023)
Who Defends the Defenders. The State of Human Right Defenders in Bangladesh. Centre for Governanace Studies. (2023)
Bangladesh Politics. Marginalization & Inclusion in South Asia: Economic, Politics & Culture. Saxena Center for South Asian Studies, Brown University. (2022)
Bangladesh-India Relations: Too close for comfort. Bay of Bengal Conversation. Centre for Governance Studies. (2022)