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Professor Amelia Buragas

Assistant Professor/Pre-Law Advisor
Politics and Government
SCH Schroeder Hall 407b
  • About
  • Research

Current Courses

201.002Introduction To Law For Paralegals

204.002Legal Research II

371.002Litigation II

Book, Authored

Buragas, A. Illinois Open Meetings Act, Freedom of Information Act. Illinois Municipal League (2023)
Buragas, A. Municipal Licensing and Regulation. Illinois Municipal League (2023)

Magazine/Trade Publication

Buragas, A. Decisions of Style. Illinois Bar Journal. Illinois Bar Journal 113.1 (2025): 12.
Buragas, A. Raw Odor. Illinois Bar Journal 113.2 (2025): 10.
Buragas, A. A Key Piece to the Puzzle. Illinois Bar Journal 112.1 (2024): 10.
Buragas, A. Arbitration Consternation. Illinois Bar Journal 112.5 (2024): 12.
Buragas, A. Beneficial Information. Illinois Bar Journal 112.2 (2024): 10.


FOIA: Past, Present & Future. New State's Attorney Conference. Illinois Office of the State’s Attorney Appellate Prosecutor. (2025)
Illinois Supreme Court Year in Review: Civil. Illinois Supreme Court Year in Review: Civil. Appellate Lawyers Association. (2024)
Supreme Outcomes: Notable Cases Decided by the Illinois Supreme Court in 2023. Central Illinois Paralegal Association Lunch & Learn. Central Illinois Paralegal Association. (2024)
Trump v. Anderson: The Political Science and Legal Studies Perspective. Pre-Law March 20 Meeting. ISU Pre-Law Club. (2024)
The Supreme Court and Affirmative Action. Pre-Law Club April 5 Meeting. Pre-Law Club. (2023)