Dr. Lori Riverstone

- About
- Education
- Research
Dr. Riverstone graduated with a Masters of Public Administration and a Doctorate in Political Science from the University of Tennessee-Knoxville. She lives in Bloomington, IL., with her husband and daughter.
Current Courses
499.001Independent Research For The Master's Thesis
499.103Independent Research For The Masters Thesis Final Term
431.001Seminar In Public Administration
221.001U.S. State And Local Government
222.001Urban Politics And Problems
Teaching Interests & Areas
Subnational politics, particularly Urban Politics and Intergovernmental Relations. Also, Public Administration and Environmental Politics.
Research Interests & Areas
Primary focus is on the interaction of governments in the U.S. intergovernmental system, specifically, the tools and strategies used by state and local governments to accomplish their goals and defend their interests in America's highly competitive political system.
Ph D Political Science
Master of Public Administration
BA English
Book, Authored
Renegade Cities, Public Policy, and the Dilemmas of Federalism. 2013. Lynne Rienner/FirstForum Publishers.
Cited Research
Journal Article
The Diffusion of Local Bill of Rights Resolutions to the States, State and Local Government Review, Vol. 45, Issue 1, pp. 14-24.
Bottom-Up Activism: A Local Political Strategy for Higher Policy Change. Publius: The Journal of Federalism. Vol. 42, Issue 3.
Scholars, Teachers, Practitioners, and Students: Learning by Fishing, Story-telling, and Appreciative Inquiry. With Robert Cunningham and Steve Roberts. Journal of Public Affairs Education. Vol. 11, Issue 1.