Dr. LJ Zigerell Jr
Associate Professor/Assessment Director
Politics and Government

SCH Schroeder Hall
- About
- Education
- Research
L.J Zigerell is an Associate Professor of Politics and Government at Illinois State University. L.J's current research activities involve the study of race and sex discrimination and beliefs about inequalities.
Current Courses
138.001Quantitative Reasoning In Political Science
499.002Independent Research For The Master's Thesis
499.101Independent Research For The Masters Thesis Final Term
497.001Introduction To Research Methodology
138.001Quantitative Reasoning In Political Science
138.004Quantitative Reasoning In Political Science
196.001Success in Politics and Government Majors
196.002Success in Politics and Government Majors
Teaching Interests & Areas
Judicial politics. Constitutional law. Legal thinking. Research methods
Research Interests & Areas
Race and sex bias. Researcher bias
Ph D Political Science
University of Pittsburgh
Other Teaching and Curriculum
Penn State Harrisburg
BS Engineering
Geneva College
Book, Chapter
Malhotra, N., & Zigerell, L. Publication bias in the social sciences: A threat to scientific integrity. Research Integrity: Best Practices for the Social and Behavioral Sciences. Oxford University Press (2022)
L.J Zigerell. 2015. Maintaining the Technological Neutrality of the Fourth Amendment. In N. Lind and E. Rankin, Privacy in the Digital Age: 21st-Century Challenges to the Fourth Amendment.
L.J Zigerell and Heather Marie Rice. 2011. "Intense Ambivalence: Report on the 2006 and 2008 ANES Abortion Attitudes Measures." In J. Aldrich and K. M. McGraw (eds.), Improving Public Opinion Surveys: Interdisciplinary Innovation and the American National Election Studies. Princeton University Press.
Journal Article
Zigerell, L. Racial Bias and U.S. Presidential Candidate Preference. The Forum 21.4 (2024): 597-608.
Zigerell, L. Introducing Political Science Students to Data Visualization Strategies. Journal of Political Science Education (2022)
Zigerell, L. Did Brett Kavanaugh's overt partisanship cause severe harm to the legitimacy of the US Supreme Court?. Social Science Quarterly (2021)
Zigerell, L. Perceived Discrimination against Black Americans and White Americans. Meta-Psychology 5 (2021): MP.2019.1778.
Zigerell, L. Reply to 'Powerless Conservatives or Powerless Findings?'. PS: Political Science & Politics 54.2 (2021): 270.