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Dr. Noha Shawki

Politics and Government
SCH Schroeder Hall 403B
Office Hours
Mondays and Wednesdays 12:30-1:30pm and by appointment
  • About
  • Education
  • Awards & Honors
  • Research

Current Courses

352.001Human Rights

458.001Human Rights

499.003Independent Research For The Master's Thesis

499.102Independent Research For The Masters Thesis Final Term

287.099Independent Study

400.099Independent Study

490.099Readings In Political Science

291.002Undergraduate Teaching Experience In Political Science

293.001Workshop Model United Nations

Teaching Interests & Areas

international relations; human rights; international organizations; global issues, sustainable development

Research Interests & Areas

transnational social movements and activism; human rights; international norms; global governance, sustainable development

Ph D Political Science

Indiana University
Bloomington, Indiana


University of Trier
Trier, Germany

Hibbert R. Roberts Excellence in Teaching Award

Department of Politics and Government

Environmental Stewardship Award

Office of Sustainability

Kenneth A and Mary Ann Shaw Teaching Fellowship

College of Arts and Sciences

Sudent Sustainability Fund Grant

Student Sustainability Committee


Office of the Provost

Impact Award

University College

Hibbert R. Roberts Excellence in Teaching Award

Department of Politics and Government

Pi Sigma Alpha Teaching Excellence Award

Pi Sigma Alpha

Student Sustainability Fund Grant

Student Sustainability Committee

Summer Faculty Fellowship

Illinois State University - College of Arts and Sciences

Book Review

Mobilizing for Human Rights. International Law in Domestic Politics. By Beth A. Simmons. (Cambridge University Press, 2009.) Book Review in Journal of Politics 72, no. 4 (2010): 1259 - 1261

Book, Authored

Schnyder, M., & Shawki, N. Advocating for Refugees in the European Union: Norm-Based Strategies by Civil Society Organizations. Lexington Books (2020)

Book, Chapter

Noha Shawki, Norm Evolution and Change: Analyzing the Negotiation of
 the Sustainable Development Goals. In: International Norms, Normative Change, and the U.N. Sustainable Development Goals, edited by Noha Shawki (Lanham, MD: Lexington Books), 2016, pp. 1-16
Noha Shawki, A New Actor in Human Rights Politics? Transgovernmental Networks of National Human Rights Institutions. In: Rethinking Sovereignty and Human Rights after the Cold War, edited by Noha Shawki and Michaelene D. Cox (Farnham, Surrey and Burlington, VT: Ashgate Publishing), 2009, pp. 41-57
Noha Shawki and Julian Westerhout, The Illicit Small Arms Trade: Global Threat and Response. In: State of Corruption, State of Chaos: The Terror of Political Malfeasance, edited by Michaelene D. Cox (Lanham, MD: Lexington Books), 2008, pp. 51-69

Book, Edited

Shawki, N. International Norms, Normative Change, and the U.N. Sustainable Development Goals. Lexington Books (2016)
Noha Shawki. Rethinking Sovereignty and Human Rights after the Cold War. Ashgate Publishing, 2009 (with Michaelene D. Cox)

Journal Article

Shawki, N., & Schnyder, M. Social Movement Communities: Examining the Activities of Leaders of Local Slow Food Chapters in the United States. Security and Intelligence 9.2 (2024): 57-88.
Shawki, N., & Schnyder, M. Coalition Dynamics in Transnational Social Movements: Analyzing the EU Food Policy Coalition. Global Society 37.1 (2023): 134-156.
Shawki, N., & Schnyder, M. Understanding Polycentrically Organized Movements: An Analysis of the Slow Food and Fair Trade Movements in Europe. Journal of Civil Society 19.2 (2023): 156–174.
Shawki, N., & Hunter, G. Building Solidarity in the Slow Food Movement. International Journal of Sociology of Agriculture and Food 28.2 (2022): 75-93.
Shawki, N. The Global Adolescent Girl Agenda: An Analysis of the Emergence and the Political Outcomes of Two Global Health Networks. Journal of Social and Development Sciences 10.1 (2019): 33-51.


Building Solidarity in the Slow Food Movement. Department of Sociology and Anthropology Brown Bag. Department of Sociology and Anthropology. (2022)
Social Movement Communities: Examining the Activities of Leaders of Local Slow Food Chapters in the United States. Midwest Political Science Association Conference. Midwest Political Science Association. (2022)
Building Solidarity in the Slow Food Movement. Annual Meeting of the Association for the Study of Food and Society. Association for the Study of Food and Society. (2021)
Coalition Dynamics in Transnational Social Movements: Analyzing the EU Food Policy Coalition. Midwest Political Science Association Annual Conference. Midwest Political Science Association. (2021)
International Norms, Normative Change, and the Sustainable Development Goals. Midwest Political Science Association Conference. Midwest Political Science Association. (2016)
Formulating the Sustainable Development Goals: An Analysis of Norm Contestation and Norm Change. Midwest Political Science Association Conference. Midwest Political Science Association. (2015)
The Transnational Diffusion of Social Movements: A Case Study of the Food Sovereignty Movement in the UK and Canada. Midwest Political Science Association Conference. Midwest Political Science Association. (2014)
La Via Campesina and the Human Rights of Peasants: An Analysis of the Evolution of New Human Rights Norms. Midwest Political Science Association Conference. Midwest Political Science Association. (2013)
Understanding the Transnational Diffusion of Social Movements: An Analysis of the U.S. Solidarity Economy Network and Transition US. Midwest Political Science Association Conference. (2012)
Global Norms, Local Implementation: How Global Norms Are Translated Into Local Practice. International Studies Association Convention. International Studies Association. (2011)

Grants & Contracts

CAS Interdisciplinary Research Grant. College of Arts and Sciences. Illinois State University. (2017)