Dr. Sherri Replogle
Instructional Assistant Professor
Politics and Government

SCH Schroeder Hall 406
Office Hours
T and Th, 2-3 and by appt.
Office Phone
- About
- Education
- Awards & Honors
- Research
Current Courses
101.002Citizens And Governance
255.001International Conflict And Security
151.001Introduction to International Relations
151.002Introduction to International Relations
Teaching Interests & Areas
International relations, American foreign policy, peace studies, democracy, political theory
Research Interests & Areas
Ethical dimensions of war, civilians in war
Ph D Political Science
Loyola University
University Teaching Award Nominee, Non-Tenure Track
College of Arts and Sciences
Journal Article
Grigorescu, Alexandru, and Sherri S. Replogle. "Interactions between international norms: the case of the civilian protection and antiterrorism norms." Air & Space Power Journal - Africa and Francophonie, Oct. 2016, p. 44+.
Steger, M., Replogle, S. Václav Havel's Postmodernism. Contemp Polit Theory 4, 253–274 (2005).